The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.
The script analyzes campaign-level forecasts to identify profit-maximizing targets and generates a bulk sheet to update these targets for Google Smart Bidding strategies.
The Python script automates the pausing and resuming of advertising campaigns based on monthly budget constraints and dimension tags, monitoring spending bi-hourly.
The script identifies anomalies in campaign performance metrics for hotels by comparing actual data against forecasts and calculating deviation scores.
The script enforces monthly budget caps for strategies and campaigns by pausing those that exceed their allocated budgets, using data from Google Sheets.
Purpose The script automates the creation of suggested keywords from a keyword expansion report, focusing on long keywords with six or more tokens and setting...
The Python script processes and analyzes marketing strategy data to evaluate performance against targets and generate insights for optimization.
The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.
The Python script automates the process of allocating and updating daily budgets for advertising campaigns based on recommended values from a data source.