All Scripts

Script 231: increase daily budget

Purpose Python script to increase the daily budget for campaigns if the daily spend exceeds 60% of the daily budget.

Script 229: populate fullfunnel

Purpose Python script to populate the “FullFunnel” column in a DataFrame based on certain business rules.

Script 227: sba pasue Date maintenance

Purpose Python script to maintain the SBA Pause Date within 1 month of the current date.

Script 225: Set New Budget Strategy Targets at Month Start

Purpose Pushes new Strategy Targets at start of month

Script 223: Strategy assignment 3

Purpose Python script to assign strategies to campaigns based on specific business rules.

Script 219: SBA pacing check

Purpose Python script to perform a pacing check on SBA (Structured Budget Allocation) campaigns.

Script 217: Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 213: Brand vs Non Brand Dimension

Purpose Python script for tagging campaigns as “Brand” or “Non Brand” based on the campaign name.

Script 211: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Shop Preservision

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input DataFrame to a new column called “Yesterdays Cost” in the output DataFrame.