All Scripts

Script 675: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging Region

Purpose Python script to parse campaign names and add a campaign-level Marin Dimensions tag for the region.

Script 673: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose Extract information from a campaign name and add it as columns to a DataFrame.

Script 671: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose Extract information from a campaign name and add it as columns to a DataFrame.

Script 669: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose Extract information from campaign names and add it to the input DataFrame.

Script 661: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script solves the problem of calculating various metrics and values for pacing and budget allocation in a digital advertising campaign.

Script 653: Search SBA Budget Pacing

Purpose Python script to pace daily budget for Search SBA strategies.

Script 633: ABO Budget Assignment Groups

Purpose Assign values to the Meta ABO Budget dimension value at the group level for active Meta Ad sets only, removing any ABO Budget values previously assigned at the campaign...

Script 631: Alert CCT Groups paused (Single word keywords)

Purpose Python script to filter and extract data from a primary data source based on a specific condition.

Script 629: Alert CCT Groups paused (Single word keywords)

Purpose Python script to filter and extract data from a primary data source based on a specific condition.