All Scripts

Script 309: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose Python script to copy input rows to output and add specific values to certain columns.

Script 307: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose Python script to copy input rows to output and add specific values to certain columns.

Script 305: Monthly Budget Cap Data Feed

In a Nutshell The script automatically pauses PPC campaigns that exceed their monthly budget caps.

Script 303: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose Python script to copy input rows to output and add specific values to certain columns.

Script 301: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose Python script to copy input rows to output and add specific values to certain columns.

Script 299: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose Python script to copy input rows to output and add specific values to certain columns.

Script 297: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose Python script to update custom parameters for keywords with NOLS, NOLM or Backorder in the landing page result column.

Script 293: Negative Keyword Expansion

Purpose Python script for negative keyword expansion.

Script 289: Google Campaign tROAS Adjustment

Purpose Python script solves the problem of adjusting the Publisher Target ROAS for Google campaigns based on the daily spend goal and publisher cost.