Category Action Type - Bulk Upload (Preview)

Script 1529: Auto Pause & Re enable

Purpose The Python script manages the pausing and resuming of advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget utilization.

Script 1525: Script AutoTag Campaign Strategy

Purpose The Python script extracts and tags a specific segment from campaign names based on a defined delimiter.

Script 1523: Script AutoTag Campaign ID Number

Purpose The script extracts and tags a numerical identifier from campaign names based on a specific format.

Script 1515: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The Python script filters and processes campaign data to update daily budget alerts for campaigns with a “Checked” status.

Script 1507: AdGroup CPA Outliers

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a specified lookback period, excluding recent days due to conversion...

Script 1505: Sample Script Campaign Benchmark Analysis

Purpose The Python script tags campaigns based on their performance metrics compared to predefined benchmarks.

Script 1501: Sample Script Pause Poor performing Keywords with 0 Conv. and QS 5

Purpose The Python script identifies and recommends pausing keywords that are at least 30 days old, have zero conversions, and a quality score below 5.

Script 1499: Auto Create Suggested Keywords with CPA Criteria

Purpose The script qualifies suggested keywords based on conversion rates, cost-per-acquisition (CPA) thresholds, and token count limits.

Script 1493: Budget Staging for Campaigns via GSheets with Override Roxtec

Purpose The script automates the process of merging campaign budget data from a primary data source with override data from Google Sheets for daily budget allocation.

Script 1481: Script Autotag PS Clients Campaigns

Purpose The script automatically tags PS Clients based on keywords found in campaign names.

Script 1475: Update Strategies Budget Targets via GSheet

Purpose The script updates monthly budget targets for strategies by matching them with concatenated values from a Google Sheet.

Script 1455: marin pilot campaign devadj

Purpose The Python script adjusts bid ratios for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices based on gross profit-weighted average bids for advertising campaigns.

Script 1449: Calc. Adjusted Daily Budget Column for Strategies

Purpose The Python script calculates the adjusted daily budget for different strategies based on their remaining budget and the number of days left in the current month.

Script 1445: Tag Groups with FUND Dimension

Purpose The Python script tags groups with a FUND dimension based on abbreviations found in group names.

Script 1409: Budget Staging for Campaigns via GSheets Roxtec

Purpose The Python script synchronizes daily budget allocations for marketing campaigns between a primary data source and a Google Sheets reference, ensuring up-to-date budget information.

Script 1383: Active Ascend Strategy Campaigns Budget Floor

Purpose The script ensures that any campaign with a daily budget below $50 is adjusted to meet this minimum threshold.

Script 1347: Assign Campaigns with Auto Pause Status = traffic

Purpose The script assigns the ‘Auto Pause Status’ of ‘traffic’ to new campaigns that are part of a strategy but do not yet have this status applied.

Script 1339: Bespoke Workflows (Meta)

Purpose The Python script processes and displays the initial rows of a primary data source for further analysis.

Script 1337: Script Auto Pause After Event

Purpose The script automatically pauses campaigns in a dataset if their associated event dates have passed.

Script 1325: Scripts Campaign Tagging

Purpose The script parses campaign names to extract and tag seminar details such as format, location, registration target, and seminar code.

Script 1323: Ascend Auto Cap

Purpose The Python script automates the process of enabling a campaign override flag when adjusted recommendations exceed predefined caps set in Google Sheets.

Script 1319: Scripts AutoTag Hotel Dimension

Purpose The Python script parses campaign names to automatically tag hotel-related dimensions, handling special cases for specific account names.

Script 1291: Campaign Dimension Update

Purpose Automates the process of populating utmcampaign and utmmedium dimensions based on campaign name and campaign type values.

Script 1277: [Demo] Ingest Media Plan

Purpose The Python script ingests media plan spend targets from a Google Sheets document and maps them to strategies for the current month.

Script 1237: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 1191: Conflicting Keywords

Purpose The script identifies conflicting keywords between current and negative keywords in an account.

Script 1085: Update Strategy Spend Target via Master Sheet

Purpose Lookup new month’s spend target and update via strategy bulk file

Script 1073: Monthly Spend Target Rollover

Purpose Python script that takes the unspent Strategy Spend Target from the previous month and adds it to the current Spend Target.

Script 1057: Intraday Budget Cap via Strategy

Purpose Python script to pause campaigns when the monthly spend reaches the monthly budget stored in the strategy.

Script 1055: AdGroup Performance Outlier 33d lookback

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign 30-lookback excluding recent 3 days

Script 1049: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 1043: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 1041: Budget Staging for Strategies via GSheets

Purpose The Python script updates strategy spend targets by copying monthly budget data from Google Sheets to a staging area, matching abbreviations with strategies.

Script 1039: Jeremy Script

Purpose The script processes campaign data to extract and categorize geographical, segment, targeting, and platform information from campaign names.

Script 1029: Tagging social dimension Geo

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags geographical regions in campaign names based on predefined keywords.

Script 1027: Tagging Social dimensions targeting and platform

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to extract and tag platform and targeting information from campaign names.

Script 985: Percentage Budget Difference CC

Purpose This script calculates the percentage difference between the current daily budget and the SBA recommended daily budget for campaigns.

Script 977: Go Puff Script Keyword Landing Page & Keyword Match Type combination Tag

Purpose Automating Dimension Tagging with the landing page in the dimension “Landing Page Dim” and the keyword and match type combination in the dimension “Keyword MatchType Dim”.

Script 975: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags #2

Purpose Python script to pause and resume campaigns based on Dimension tags (SBA Strategy and SBA Monthly Budget) by monitoring bi-hourly intraday spend.

Script 905: Campaign naming 1st separator tag example

Purpose Python script to add a tag to a campaign name based on a specified separator.

Script 845: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose Python script to pause and resume campaigns based on Dimension tags (SBA Strategy and SBA Monthly Budget) by monitoring bi-hourly intraday spend.

Script 843: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 827: Cross Negate Single Keyword Campaigns

Purpose The Python script generates negative keywords for each account in a dataset to optimize single keyword campaigns.

Script 817: SBA Budget Staging via GSheets

Purpose The script automates the process of copying and updating monthly budget allocations from Google Sheets to a structured budget allocation system by matching campaign strategies.

Script 809: SBA Auto Pause & Re enable Budget via Dim Tag

Purpose Python script that pauses and re-enables campaigns based on their monthly spend and budget.

Script 777: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 745: Golden Hippo Pause Ads Conversions

Purpose The script pauses advertisements if they have zero conversions after spending $100.

Script 743: Golden Hippo Pause Ads CPA

Purpose Pauses ads that have a CPA of $150+ over the previous 7 days

Script 739: Automate Campaigns DimensionTag Tactic

Purpose The script automates the assignment of dimension tags to campaigns based on their names.

Script 737: Profit Maximising Campaign Target (Preview)

Purpose The Python script analyzes campaign-level forecasts to identify profit-maximizing targets and generates a bulk sheet to update these targets for Google Smart Bidding strategies.

Script 721: Profit Maximising Campaign Target (Trafficking)

Purpose The script analyzes campaign-level forecasts to identify profit-maximizing targets and generates a bulk sheet to update these targets for Google Smart Bidding strategies.

Script 719: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 715: SBA Campaign Pacing Backup

Purpose The Python script optimizes the allocation of campaign budgets to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 715: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose Python script that solves the problem of allocating budgets to campaigns based on various factors such as remaining budget, weekdays in the month, historical spend, and minimum daily budget....

Script 711: Ad Group CPA Performance Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies ad groups within a campaign that have abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance, tagging them as outliers.

Script 677: Budget Pacing Example

Purpose Example of what Budget Pacing through script could look like

Script 675: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging Region

Purpose The script parses campaign names to automatically tag them with a region dimension based on specific patterns.

Script 661: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script solves the problem of calculating various metrics and values for pacing and budget allocation in a digital advertising campaign.

Script 613: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days....

Script 611: zzz SBA Campaigns Watcher zzz

Purpose The Python script monitors campaign spending and recommends pausing campaigns if projected costs exceed the monthly budget.

Script 611: SBA Campaigns Watcher

Purpose SBA Campaigns Watcher

Script 583: Scripts Campaign Dims v2

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to aggregate and deduplicate information based on specific criteria.

Script 573: Campaign Budget Dimension Updates

Purpose Python script to update campaign information based on specified conditions.

Script 557: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose The script extracts and updates specific campaign details from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 549: Budget Pacing

Purpose The Python script calculates the remaining days for each campaign based on its specified end date.

Script 537: Tag Pacing Start and End Dates from Campaign Name

Purpose Parse out and populate Pacing - Start Date and Pacing - End Date in ISO format from the Campaign column of a DataFrame.

Script 523: Ad Group Outlier

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 511: Auto Pause & Re enable

Purpose Python script to pause and re-enable campaigns based on budget allocation.

Script 499: keyword harvest 2

Purpose Python script to auto-push a subset of suggested keywords from a keyword recommendations grid.

Script 453: Automate ProductGroup SetBidOverride

Purpose The script automates the process of setting all active Google Product Groups to Bid Override with no end date.

Script 409: New Launch Updates Round 2

Purpose The script updates campaign parameters such as status, daily budget, and target CPA for new launch campaigns based on specified ROAS criteria.

Script 407: New Launch Updates Round 1

Purpose The Python script automates the updating of campaign statuses, bid strategies, and target CPA values for new launch campaigns based on specific performance metrics.

Script 361: New Launch Updates Round 3

Purpose The Python script updates the status, target CPA, bid strategy, and maturity of new launch campaigns based on specific performance criteria.

Script 305: Monthly Budget Cap Data Feed

In a Nutshell The script automatically pauses PPC campaigns that exceed their monthly budget caps.

Script 293: Negative Keyword Expansion

Purpose Python script for negative keyword expansion.

Script 289: Google Campaign tROAS Adjustment

Purpose Python script solves the problem of adjusting the Publisher Target ROAS for Google campaigns based on the daily spend goal and publisher cost.

Script 269: script good performing keyword 2

Purpose The Python script adjusts search bids and bid overrides for keywords in advertising campaigns based on specific performance criteria.

Script 259: Dimension Update

Purpose The Python script updates campaign dimension values based on specific patterns found in campaign names.

Script 255: GAAP Profit 0 Reduce Budget 20%

Purpose Reduce the daily budget of campaigns by 20% if the GAAP profit from the previous day is less than 0.

Script 249: Title Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns a specific campaign strategy and updates related fields when the “CPA Date” matches the current date.

Script 237: switch strategies

Purpose The Python script evaluates advertising campaigns and promotes them to a new publisher bidding strategy if they meet specified minimum thresholds for spend and Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)....

Script 235: Group Maturity

Purpose The script categorizes Yahoo DSP ad groups into ‘New’, ‘Mature I’, and ‘Mature II’ based on their spending over the previous 7 days.

Script 231: increase daily budget

Purpose The script adjusts the daily budget of campaigns by increasing it by 20% if the daily spend exceeds 60% of the current daily budget.

Script 225: Set New Budget Strategy Targets at Month Start

Purpose Pushes new Strategy Targets at start of month

Script 223: Strategy assignment 3

Purpose The Python script analyzes campaign data to assign marketing strategies based on performance metrics over specific time periods.

Script 217: Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 195: Kwds Pause

Purpose The Python script processes keyword data to manage and update advertising campaign statuses based on specific criteria.

Script 175: Campaign Tactic

Purpose Python script to add dimensions tag based on campaign name.

Script 173: Strategy Targeting Type

Purpose Python script to add a dimensions tag based on the campaign name.

Script 165: Intraday Adj Google tCPA and Budget

Purpose The script adjusts the target Cost Per Acquisition (tCPA) and daily budget of Google campaigns based on Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) and spend over the previous hours.

Script 163: Mature Campaigns Pause Low ROAS

Purpose The script identifies and pauses mature advertising campaigns with low Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) over the past 14 days.

Script 159: Increase Campaign tCPA

Purpose The script adjusts the target cost-per-action (tCPA) for campaigns based on their current cost per conversion, increasing it if the cost is below a specified threshold.

Script 153: Mature Campaigns Adj Google tCPA and Budget

Purpose The script adjusts the target CPA and daily budget of Google campaigns labeled as ‘Mature’ based on their ROAS over the previous 14 days.

Script 151: Campaign Maturity Dimension Tagging

Purpose The Python script categorizes ExplorAds and Yahoo DSP campaigns into maturity levels based on their spending over the past year.

Script 149: Pause Keywords Automation

Purpose The script automates the process of pausing keywords and labeling them with the ‘AutoPause’ dimension based on specific criteria related to creation date, accumulated clicks, and spend.

Script 143: New Campaigns Switch to tCPA

Purpose The script updates the bidding strategy of new campaigns to Target CPA if they meet specified spend and ROAS thresholds.

Script 141: New Campaigns Pause Low ROAS

Purpose The script pauses new Google ad campaigns with low Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) based on predefined criteria.

Script 139: Increase Campaign Daily Budget

Purpose The script increases the daily budget for campaigns with an impression share greater than a specified percentage over the last specified number of days.

Script 137: New Campaigns Adj Google tCPA and Budget

Purpose The Python script adjusts the target CPA and daily budget of Google campaigns labeled as ‘New Launch’ through ‘New - Round 5’ based on their ROAS over the past...

Script 133: Dimension Update

Purpose The Python script categorizes campaigns into “Brand” or “Non-Brand” based on the presence of the word “Brand” in their names.

Script 131: Assign Brand or Non Brand

Purpose The script identifies campaigns containing ‘FR’ with a blank maturity status and assigns them a ‘France’ maturity label.

Script 103: Tag Campaigns based on Name

Purpose The script parses campaign names to extract and assign a tag to each campaign based on a specific naming convention.

Script 41: Monthly Budget Cap GSheets

Purpose The script enforces monthly budget caps for strategies and campaigns by pausing those that exceed their allocated budgets, using data from Google Sheets.

Script 35: Auto Create Suggested Keywords

Purpose The script automates the creation of suggested keywords from a keyword expansion report, focusing on long keywords with six or more tokens and setting them with specific match types...

Script 33: Campaign ROAS Outlier Tagging

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags campaigns with significantly lower Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) compared to their peers within the same account.

Script 25: Strategy Auto Assign on MTD Conv

Purpose The script reassigns marketing strategies to campaigns based on their Month-to-Date conversion levels.

Script 23: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign 30-lookback excluding recent 3 days

Script 21: Budget Boost for Performing Campaigns

Purpose The Python script adjusts campaign budgets by increasing them by 5% if their CPA performance is 10% better than the average of their peers within the same account.

Script 15: Budget Boost for Performing Non Brand Campaigns

Purpose The Python script adjusts the budget for non-brand advertising campaigns based on their cost-per-acquisition (CPA) performance compared to peer averages.

Script 13: Pause Campaigns with no active groups

Purpose Pause campaigns with no active groups.

Script 9: AdGroup High CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) significantly higher than their peers within the same campaign over a 30-day period.

Category Item Changed - AdGroup

Script 1507: AdGroup CPA Outliers

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a specified lookback period, excluding recent days due to conversion...

Script 1455: marin pilot campaign devadj

Purpose The Python script adjusts bid ratios for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices based on gross profit-weighted average bids for advertising campaigns.

Script 1447: Auto Tag Groups with Fund type Dimension using Gsheet

Purpose The Python script automates the process of tagging groups with fund types by matching data from a primary data source with a reference Google Sheets document.

Script 1445: Tag Groups with FUND Dimension

Purpose The Python script tags groups with a FUND dimension based on abbreviations found in group names.

Script 1381: MediaType Autotagging Group

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and subtypes based on specific account and campaign criteria.

Script 1379: MediaType Autotagging

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and subtypes based on account and campaign information in a dataset.

Script 1343: Dimension Update Groups

Purpose Automates the process of updating ‘utmgroup’ dimensions based on ad group names by replacing spaces with plus signs.

Script 1337: Script Auto Pause After Event

Purpose The script automatically pauses campaigns in a dataset if their associated event dates have passed.

Script 1293: Extract Title from Group name

Purpose The Python script extracts a title from the “Group” column using a regex pattern and inserts it into the “Title” column.

Script 1243: Tag Performance of Meta Ad Groups

Purpose The Python script tags ad group performance based on specific business rules for reach, traffic, and conversion metrics.

Script 1205: Script Group Country Code

Purpose The script extracts and assigns a country code from a group name into a designated ‘Country Code’ dimension.

Script 1145: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 1131: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script is designed to clear the ‘AUTOMATION - Outlier’ column in a data table to prepare it for further processing.

Script 1129: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script is designed to clear the ‘AUTOMATION - Outlier’ column in a data table to reset or prepare it for new data processing.

Script 1127: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script processes a data source to clear and prepare a specific column for further automation tasks related to outlier detection.

Script 1125: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script processes a data source to clear and prepare a specific column for further automation tasks related to outlier detection.

Script 1123: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 1103: Script Group Country Code

Purpose The script extracts the country code from a group name by identifying the segment before the first hyphen and assigns it to a ‘Country Code’ dimension.

Script 1077: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days.

Script 1075: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days.

Script 1055: AdGroup Performance Outlier 33d lookback

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign 30-lookback excluding recent 3 days

Script 1055: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days....

Script 1053: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 983: New Vehicle Low Inventory Auto Pausing

Purpose Python script to pause ad groups in select model-based new vehicle campaigns if there are 3 or fewer vehicles in stock.

Script 711: Ad Group CPA Performance Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies ad groups within a campaign that have abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance, tagging them as outliers.

Script 633: ABO Budget Assignment Groups

Purpose The script assigns Meta ABO Budget values at the group level for active Meta Ad sets, removing any previously assigned values at the campaign level.

Script 623: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 621: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 619: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 613: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days....

Script 527: Ad Group Outlier

Purpose Python script to tag ad groups if their CPA performance is abnormally high within a campaign.

Script 523: Ad Group Outlier

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 513: AdGroup Cost Conv $ Outlier Tagging

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally low Cost/Conversion performance within a campaign over a specified lookback period.

Script 347: mediatype tagging

Purpose The Python script categorizes media types and sub-types based on specific keywords found in account and campaign data.

Script 345: mediatype tagging

Purpose The Python script categorizes media types and subtypes based on specific keywords found in account and group names within a dataset.

Script 343: MediaType tagging

Purpose The Python script categorizes media types and sub-types based on specific account and group criteria within a dataset.

Script 341: MediaType Autotagging

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and subtypes based on account and campaign information in a dataset.

Script 319: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for managing backorder keywords in a marketing context.

Script 317: NOLS

Purpose The Python script processes input data to set specific default values for certain columns related to advertising campaigns.

Script 315: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for managing backorder keywords in a marketing context.

Script 313: NOLS

Purpose The Python script processes input data to set specific default values for certain columns related to advertising campaigns.

Script 311: NOLS

Purpose The Python script processes input data to set specific default values for certain columns related to advertising campaigns.

Script 309: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for managing backorder keywords in a marketing context.

Script 307: NOLS NOLM Backorder keywords

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for managing backorder keywords in a marketing context.

Script 303: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for structured budget allocation (SBA) purposes.

Script 301: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for structured budget allocation (SBA) purposes.

Script 299: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for structured budget allocation (SBA) purposes.

Script 297: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The script updates custom parameters for keywords containing “NOLS,” “NOLM,” or “Backorder” in a specific column of a landing page result.

Script 271: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The script updates custom parameters for keywords containing “NOLS,” “NOLM,” or “Backorder” in a specific column of a landing page result.

Script 235: Group Maturity

Purpose The script categorizes Yahoo DSP ad groups into ‘New’, ‘Mature I’, and ‘Mature II’ based on their spending over the previous 7 days.

Script 217: Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 187: populate Auto Events

In a Nutshell The script processes PPC campaign data to update event names based on specific patterns in group names.

Script 157: Inventory Bidding Feed Integrity Check

Purpose The script checks if the “IB Last Updated” date is two or more days old and flags such entries for alerting purposes.

Script 127: Auto Pause After Event Date

Purpose Auto Pause After Event Date

Script 107: Inventory Bidding 2.0

Purpose The script calculates and applies auction bid boosts for specific groups in marketing campaigns based on various conditions and metrics.

Script 89: Tag AdGroups with Dynamic Action Value (Cross Client; DC Market=NL)

Purpose The Python script tags AdGroups with a dynamic action value based on historical and target ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) to optimize bid adjustments.

Script 45: Daily Clear Labels

Purpose Clear Daily Winner and Overspend labels daily

Script 43: Tag AdGroup Dimensions per ROAS CPA Performance

Purpose Tag AdGroup Dimensions per ROAS/CPA Performance

Script 31: AdGroup ROAS Outlier Tagging

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally low ROAS performance within a campaign over a specified lookback period.

Script 23: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign 30-lookback excluding recent 3 days

Script 9: AdGroup High CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) significantly higher than their peers within the same campaign over a 30-day period.

Category Linked Datasource - M1 Report

Script 1537: Scripts Weekly Campaign Anomaly last 8 weeks Mountain Warehouse

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and a lookback period.

Script 1535: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Report with Summary & Link

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and a lookback period.

Script 1533: Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Toto Lotto

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1531: Auto Pause & Re Enable Based On Strategy Target

Purpose The Python script automates the pausing and re-enabling of advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget targets.

Script 1529: Auto Pause & Re enable

Purpose The Python script manages the pausing and resuming of advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget utilization.

Script 1527: NEUN MLAWS USFL MSPGM Budget Trafficking

Purpose The Python script automates the process of allocating and updating daily budgets for advertising campaigns based on recommended values from a data source.

Script 1525: Script AutoTag Campaign Strategy

Purpose The Python script extracts and tags a specific segment from campaign names based on a defined delimiter.

Script 1523: Script AutoTag Campaign ID Number

Purpose The script extracts and tags a numerical identifier from campaign names based on a specific format.

Script 1521: Script Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 1519: Dynamic Allocation Temp Traffic

Purpose The Python script dynamically allocates temporary traffic budgets based on recommended daily budgets from input data.

Script 1517: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 1515: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The Python script filters and processes campaign data to update daily budget alerts for campaigns with a “Checked” status.

Script 1513: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 1511: Dimension Value From Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 1509: Keyword Click weighted Quality Calls

Purpose The Python script attributes quality call conversions to keywords based on their click weight.

Script 1507: AdGroup CPA Outliers

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a specified lookback period, excluding recent days due to conversion...

Script 1505: Sample Script Campaign Benchmark Analysis

Purpose The Python script tags campaigns based on their performance metrics compared to predefined benchmarks.

Script 1503: Sample Scripts Duplicate Keywords last 180 days

Purpose The Python script identifies duplicate keywords within advertising campaigns and recommends which keywords to pause based on performance metrics.

Script 1501: Sample Script Pause Poor performing Keywords with 0 Conv. and QS 5

Purpose The Python script identifies and recommends pausing keywords that are at least 30 days old, have zero conversions, and a quality score below 5.

Script 1499: Auto Create Suggested Keywords with CPA Criteria

Purpose The script qualifies suggested keywords based on conversion rates, cost-per-acquisition (CPA) thresholds, and token count limits.

Script 1497: Assign 'Unassigned' Campaigns to Strategy

Purpose The Python script assigns a strategy to campaigns that are currently marked as ‘Unassigned’ based on a specific naming pattern.

Script 1493: Budget Staging for Campaigns via GSheets with Override Roxtec

Purpose The script automates the process of merging campaign budget data from a primary data source with override data from Google Sheets for daily budget allocation.

Script 1487: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing and traffic conditions.

Script 1485: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Digimotive

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1481: Script Autotag PS Clients Campaigns

Purpose The script automatically tags PS Clients based on keywords found in campaign names.

Script 1479: Update Monthly Budgets via Gsheet

Purpose The script updates monthly budgets for strategies by matching them with concatenated values from a Google Sheet.

Script 1477: Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links PLT

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports weekly anomalies in campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1475: Update Strategies Budget Targets via GSheet

Purpose The script updates monthly budget targets for strategies by matching them with concatenated values from a Google Sheet.

Script 1473: Script Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Outdoor Network

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports weekly anomalies in campaign performance metrics over the last eight weeks, using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1471: Script Dimension AutoTag Campaigns Manufacturer

Purpose The script automatically tags manufacturer names based on keywords found in campaign names.

Script 1469: Calc. Pacing for Strategies at Campaign Level

Purpose The Python script calculates the pacing of advertising strategies at the campaign level by comparing month-to-date spending against expected spending based on the total budget and elapsed days.

Script 1467: Calc. Adjusted Daily Budget Column for Strategies at Campaign Level

Purpose The Python script calculates the adjusted daily budget for advertising strategies at the campaign level based on remaining budget and days left in the month.

Script 1465: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links RAIN

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1463: Predictive Revenue (Campaigns)

Purpose The Python script calculates predictive revenue values at the campaign level using gross lead data and program-level revenue and conversion rates.

Script 1461: Campaign Benchmarking

Purpose The Python script sets benchmarks for individual campaigns and all campaigns mapped to a strategy to evaluate their performance.

Script 1459: Tagging County Dimension for Google

Purpose The script identifies and tags county codes within campaign names in a DataFrame for further processing.

Script 1457: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by comparing actual metrics against forecasted values using day-of-week forecasts and adjustable thresholds.

Script 1455: marin pilot campaign devadj

Purpose The Python script adjusts bid ratios for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices based on gross profit-weighted average bids for advertising campaigns.


Purpose The Python script transfers values from the “Portfolio” column to the “Amazon Portfolio” column in a dataset.

Script 1449: Calc. Adjusted Daily Budget Column for Strategies

Purpose The Python script calculates the adjusted daily budget for different strategies based on their remaining budget and the number of days left in the current month.

Script 1447: Auto Tag Groups with Fund type Dimension using Gsheet

Purpose The Python script automates the process of tagging groups with fund types by matching data from a primary data source with a reference Google Sheets document.

Script 1445: Tag Groups with FUND Dimension

Purpose The Python script tags groups with a FUND dimension based on abbreviations found in group names.

Script 1441: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Entroxy

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1439: Pacing New CPM Budget Model

Purpose The Python script calculates and manages pacing metrics for digital advertising campaigns, ensuring they meet their budget and impression goals efficiently.

Script 1437: Pacing New CPM Budget Model

Purpose The Python script calculates and manages campaign pacing and budget allocation for digital marketing campaigns.

Script 1433: Current OAP Dimension Tagging

Purpose The script tags the “Current Organic Average Position” dimension with the previous day’s data from Google Search Console.

Script 1431: Current OAP Dimension Tagging

Purpose The script tags the “Current Organic Average Position” dimension with the previous day’s data from Google Search Console.

Script 1429: Products Dimension Tagging Ads

Purpose Automatically tags the “Product” dimension based on the product detail page URL of an ad.

Script 1427: Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links

Purpose The Python script identifies outliers in weekly campaign performance metrics using adjustable thresholds and generates a report for the last eight weeks to accommodate conversion lag.

Script 1425: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Sky Vegas

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1423: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Sky Betting

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign metrics using configurable thresholds for outliers and deviations.

Script 1421: Weekly Campaign Anomaly

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1417: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Report with Summary Delvaie Sciences

Purpose The script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1415: Weekly Campaign Anomaly

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection and deviation.

Script 1413: Weekly Campaign Anomaly

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1411: Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1409: Budget Staging for Campaigns via GSheets Roxtec

Purpose The Python script synchronizes daily budget allocations for marketing campaigns between a primary data source and a Google Sheets reference, ensuring up-to-date budget information.

Script 1407: Weekly Campaign Anomaly

Purpose The script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection and deviation.

Script 1405: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Adjarabet

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outliers and deviations.

Script 1399: Auto Tag Campaigns with Service Dimension

Purpose The Python script automatically tags marketing campaigns with a service dimension based on the campaign name.

Script 1395: Tagging product type dimension

Purpose The Python script tags product types based on campaign names in a DataFrame.

Script 1393: Tagging State Dimension

Purpose The script identifies and tags U.S. states mentioned in campaign names within a dataset.

Script 1391: Anomoly Detector

Purpose The script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 1389: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Detection MGB Health Plan

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports conversion anomalies at the campaign level using configurable metrics and thresholds.

Script 1387: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Report with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1383: Active Ascend Strategy Campaigns Budget Floor

Purpose The script ensures that any campaign with a daily budget below $50 is adjusted to meet this minimum threshold.

Script 1381: MediaType Autotagging Group

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and subtypes based on specific account and campaign criteria.

Script 1379: MediaType Autotagging

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and subtypes based on account and campaign information in a dataset.

Script 1377: Target CPA Cap $1000

Purpose The script enforces a Target CPA Cap of $1000 for all active strategies or campaigns.

Script 1373: [Trial] Anomaly with Summary and Links Core4 4

Purpose The Python script identifies and analyzes anomalies in weekly campaign metrics to detect outliers and trends for performance optimization.

Script 1371: Top Kw's Clear

Purpose The Python script clears existing dimension values to ensure only the top 20 keywords are labeled in the next day’s dimension script.

Script 1369: Top Kw's Microsoft Brand

Purpose The Python script identifies and labels the top-performing keywords from a sorted report based on cost per conversion.

Script 1367: Tag top KW's Google Brand

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 keywords with the highest cost per conversion from a Google Ads report.

Script 1365: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Powpow Enterprise Retail

Purpose The Python script identifies and analyzes anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics over the past eight weeks for Powpow Enterprise Retail.

Script 1361: SCRIPT Assign Campaign Dimension Labels

Purpose The script assigns dimension labels to campaigns based on their naming conventions and campaign types.

Script 1357: Dimension Update Remarketing

Purpose Automates the process of populating a remarketing dimension based on specific campaign name values in a dataset.

Script 1355: Dimension Update Brand

Purpose Automates the process of populating the brand dimension in a dataset based on specific rules applied to campaign name values.

Script 1353: Dimension Update Category

Purpose Automates the categorization of campaigns by analyzing campaign names and assigning appropriate categories based on predefined rules.

Script 1351: Dimension Update Device and Match Type

Purpose Automates the process of populating device and match type dimensions based on campaign name values in a dataset.

Script 1349: Dimension Update Subregion

Purpose Automates the process of determining and populating subregion dimensions based on campaign name values in a dataset.

Script 1347: Assign Campaigns with Auto Pause Status = traffic

Purpose The script assigns the ‘Auto Pause Status’ of ‘traffic’ to new campaigns that are part of a strategy but do not yet have this status applied.

Script 1345: PPC Grade

Purpose The Python script categorizes PPC scores into letter grades ranging from A to D based on predefined score ranges.

Script 1343: Dimension Update Groups

Purpose Automates the process of updating ‘utmgroup’ dimensions based on ad group names by replacing spaces with plus signs.

Script 1341: Dimension Update Campaign & Medium

Purpose Automates the process of populating utmcampaign and utmmedium dimensions based on campaign name and campaign type values, respectively.

Script 1339: Bespoke Workflows (Meta)

Purpose The Python script processes and displays the initial rows of a primary data source for further analysis.

Script 1337: Script Auto Pause After Event

Purpose The script automatically pauses campaigns in a dataset if their associated event dates have passed.

Script 1329: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by analyzing day-of-week forecasts and calculating deviations using adjustable thresholds.

Script 1327: Set KW Template

Purpose The Python script processes keyword data to generate a structured keyword template based on specific group terms.

Script 1325: Scripts Campaign Tagging

Purpose The script parses campaign names to extract and tag seminar details such as format, location, registration target, and seminar code.

Script 1323: Ascend Auto Cap

Purpose The Python script automates the process of enabling a campaign override flag when adjusted recommendations exceed predefined caps set in Google Sheets.

Script 1319: Scripts AutoTag Hotel Dimension

Purpose The Python script parses campaign names to automatically tag hotel-related dimensions, handling special cases for specific account names.

Script 1315: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in campaign performance metrics using day-of-week forecasts and adjustable thresholds.

Script 1313: Intraday Budget Cap Based on Strategy Target

Purpose The Python script manages campaign budgets by pausing campaigns when the month-to-date (MTD) spend reaches the monthly budget specified in the strategy.

Script 1311: Weekly Conversion Anomaly Detection MGB

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports conversion anomalies at the campaign level by analyzing metrics over a specified period.

Script 1307: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose The script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords in both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on conversion metrics.

Script 1305: Conversion Influencers 60 Day

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 keywords as “Top Performer” based on cost per conversion over the last 60 days for each school program.

Script 1303: Weekly Conversion Anomaly Detection Dental Network

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports conversion anomalies at the campaign level for a dental network, using configurable metrics and thresholds.

Script 1301: Extract Studio and Feed Category and Language Target

Purpose The Python script processes a DataFrame to extract and categorize information about campaigns, such as studio names, feed categories, and language targets.

Script 1299: Benchmark Assignments from Gsheet

Purpose The Python script updates benchmark dimensions in Marin by copying benchmarks from a staging Google Sheet, matching them with strategies using the ‘Abbreviation’ column.

Script 1295: Extract Search Phrase from Keyword

Purpose The Python script processes a DataFrame to extract and replace search phrases from keywords based on a given title, creating a new column with the modified keyword.

Script 1293: Extract Title from Group name

Purpose The Python script extracts a title from the “Group” column using a regex pattern and inserts it into the “Title” column.

Script 1291: Campaign Dimension Update

Purpose Automates the process of populating utmcampaign and utmmedium dimensions based on campaign name and campaign type values.

Script 1287: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Detector

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports weekly anomalies in campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1285: Strategy Benchmarking

Purpose The Python script calculates and tags campaigns with strategy-level benchmark scores for metrics such as MTD Gross Lead, CPL, CPL Trend, and Interview Rate.

Script 1281: [Script] Weekly Campaign Anomaly

Purpose The script identifies and reports weekly anomalies in campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outliers and deviations.

Script 1277: [Demo] Ingest Media Plan

Purpose The Python script ingests media plan spend targets from a Google Sheets document and maps them to strategies for the current month.

Script 1275: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The Python script filters and processes campaign data to update daily budget alerts for campaigns with a “Checked” status.

Script 1273: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1271: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1269: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1267: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1265: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The Python script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1263: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The Python script filters and processes campaign data to update daily budget alerts for campaigns with a “Checked” status.

Script 1261: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1259: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1257: [Trial] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Worldpay

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outliers and deviations.

Script 1255: [Trial] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Front Row Group

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports weekly anomalies in campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds for outlier detection.

Script 1249: Pacing Daily Budget Alert Checked Status

Purpose The script filters and processes campaign data to identify and update daily budget alerts for campaigns marked as “Checked.”

Script 1247: Alert Active Ads with Expiring Dates

Purpose The Python script identifies advertisements with expired or soon-to-expire application deadlines across various publishers.

Script 1245: Tag Performance of Meta Ads

Purpose The Python script tags Meta Ads campaigns at the ad level based on performance metrics, using specific business rules to determine if campaigns are “winning” or “losing.”

Script 1243: Tag Performance of Meta Ad Groups

Purpose The Python script tags ad group performance based on specific business rules for reach, traffic, and conversion metrics.

Script 1237: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 1211: MediaType Autotagging Campaign

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and sub-types for marketing campaigns based on specific account and publisher information.

Script 1209: MediaType Autotagging Campaign

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and sub-types for marketing campaigns based on specific account and publisher information.

Script 1207: MediaType Autotagging Campaign

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and sub-types for marketing campaigns based on specific account and publisher information.

Script 1205: Script Group Country Code

Purpose The script extracts and assigns a country code from a group name into a designated ‘Country Code’ dimension.

Script 1203: Script Campaign Type de Campagne & Game

Purpose The script extracts and categorizes campaign types and game names from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 1201: MediaType Autotagging Campaign

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of media types and sub-types for marketing campaigns based on specific account and publisher information.

Script 1199: Tag Performance of Meta Campaigns

Purpose The Python script tags Marin Dimensions for Meta campaigns based on performance metrics such as CPM and CTR.

Script 1197: Weekly Campaign Anomaly Detection

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics, focusing on conversions.

Script 1193: Weekly Conversion Anomaly Detection All Campus

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports conversion anomalies at the campaign level using configurable metrics and thresholds.

Script 1191: Conflicting Keywords

Purpose The script identifies conflicting keywords between current and negative keywords in an account.

Script 1185: Pause Poor performing Keywords with 0 Conv. and QS 5

Purpose The script identifies and recommends pausing keywords that are at least 30 days old, have zero conversions, and a quality score below 5.

Script 1177: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose The script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords in both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on conversion metrics.

Script 1175: AS4U Weekly Campaign Anomaly Report with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports on campaign performance anomalies by detecting outliers in key metrics using configurable thresholds and generates a weekly report accommodating conversion lag.

Script 1163: Match DA and SBA Targets

Purpose The Python script aligns the SBA Strategy Name and Targets with those of the Dynamic Allocation Strategy.

Script 1153: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose The script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords in both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on conversion metrics.

Script 1151: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose The script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords in both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on conversion metrics.

Script 1149: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose This script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords within both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on their conversion metrics.

Script 1147: Underperforming Keywords

Purpose The script identifies and tags the 10 most underperforming keywords in both “Brand” and “NonBrand” categories based on conversion metrics.

Script 1145: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 1137: Script Campaign CPA LW vs TQuarter

Purpose The script compares the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) for campaigns between the current quarter and the last week, flagging those with significant deviations.

Script 1131: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script is designed to clear the ‘AUTOMATION - Outlier’ column in a data table to prepare it for further processing.

Script 1129: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script is designed to clear the ‘AUTOMATION - Outlier’ column in a data table to reset or prepare it for new data processing.

Script 1127: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script processes a data source to clear and prepare a specific column for further automation tasks related to outlier detection.

Script 1125: Clear Automation Outlier

Purpose The Python script processes a data source to clear and prepare a specific column for further automation tasks related to outlier detection.

Script 1123: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 1117: Conversion Influencers

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 performing keywords based on conversion and cost per conversion metrics over the last 60 days.

Script 1111: Campaign Benchmarks General

Purpose The Python script evaluates campaign performance by comparing key metrics against benchmarks and assigns performance tags accordingly.

Script 1105: Campaign Anomaly Detection Daxko

Purpose The Python script detects anomalies in campaign performance metrics by comparing actual values against forecasted values using statistical methods.

Script 1103: Script Group Country Code

Purpose The script extracts the country code from a group name by identifying the segment before the first hyphen and assigns it to a ‘Country Code’ dimension.

Script 1101: Script Gatorworks Campaign Performance Anomaly Report with Summary

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 1093: Script Campaign Country Code

Purpose The script automates the extraction and tagging of the “Country Code” dimension from campaign names for Carburant’s Square Enix, excluding Meta publishers.

Script 1085: Update Strategy Spend Target via Master Sheet

Purpose Lookup new month’s spend target and update via strategy bulk file

Script 1083: Conversion Influencers

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 keywords as “Top Performer” based on conversion metrics and cost efficiency over the last 60 days.

Script 1081: Conversion Influencers

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 keywords as “Top Performer” based on conversion metrics over the last 60 days.

Script 1079: Conversion Influencers

Purpose The script identifies and tags the top 10 performing keywords based on conversion metrics and cost efficiency over the last 60 days.

Script 1077: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days.

Script 1075: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days.

Script 1073: Monthly Spend Target Rollover

Purpose Python script that takes the unspent Strategy Spend Target from the previous month and adds it to the current Spend Target.

Script 1071: Script Campaign Type2Campagne

Purpose The script extracts and assigns a campaign type from a campaign name based on a specific tag format.

Script 1067: Script Campaign Numero de Projet

Purpose The script extracts a project number from a campaign name and assigns it to a specific dimension called ‘Numero de Projet’.

Script 1065: Script Campaign CPA This Quarter Set

Purpose The script updates the ‘Campaign CPA This Quarter’ column with the current quarter’s CPA values for each campaign.

Script 1063: Budget Staging for Strategies via GSheets #2

Purpose The Python script automates the process of updating strategy spend targets by copying program budgets from Google Sheets and aligning them with existing strategies.

Script 1061: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose SBA Campaign Budget Pacing - Minimize Lost IS (Budget)

Script 1059: SBA Transcription

Purpose Python script to copy values from the ‘Strategy’ and ‘Strategy Target’ columns to the ‘SBA Strategy’ and ‘SBA Campaign Budget’ columns, respectively.

Script 1057: Intraday Budget Cap via Strategy

Purpose Python script to pause campaigns when the monthly spend reaches the monthly budget stored in the strategy.

Script 1055: AdGroup Performance Outlier 33d lookback

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign 30-lookback excluding recent 3 days

Script 1055: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign using a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent 3 days....

Script 1053: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance within a campaign over a 30-day lookback period, excluding the most recent day.

Script 1051: [Demo] Daily Campaign Anomaly Detection PowPow

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 1051: Campaigns Anomaly Detection PowPow

Purpose This Python script generates a performance anomaly report for pay-per-click marketing campaigns.

Script 1049: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 1047: Campaigns Anomaly Detection Carburant

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 1045: Auto Tag Campaigns with Program Manager Dim

Purpose The Python script automates the process of tagging campaigns with program manager information using data from Google Sheets.

Script 1043: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 1041: Budget Staging for Strategies via GSheets

Purpose The Python script updates strategy spend targets by copying monthly budget data from Google Sheets to a staging area, matching abbreviations with strategies.

Script 1039: Jeremy Script

Purpose The script processes campaign data to extract and categorize geographical, segment, targeting, and platform information from campaign names.

Script 1037: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose The Python script optimizes the allocation of campaign budgets to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 1031: Tagging social dimension Audience and Segment

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to extract and tag audience and segment information based on predefined keywords.

Script 1029: Tagging social dimension Geo

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags geographical regions in campaign names based on predefined keywords.

Script 1027: Tagging Social dimensions targeting and platform

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to extract and tag platform and targeting information from campaign names.

Script 1025: Tagging dimensions geo segment targeting and platform

Purpose The Python script extracts and categorizes geo, segment, targeting, and platform information from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 1023: Total Pub Cost & Pub Cost Percentage Column

Purpose The script calculates the total publication cost and its percentage for each ‘SBA Strategy’ and ‘Campaign’ group in a dataset.

Script 1021: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Keyword Match Type

Purpose The Python script extracts keyword match types from campaign names and updates a data frame accordingly.

Script 1019: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Intent

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags the intent of marketing campaigns based on specific keywords in their names.

Script 1017: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Topic

Purpose The script processes campaign names to extract and assign topics, updating a dataset accordingly.

Script 1007: Intraday Budget Cap Based on Strategy Target

Purpose The Python script manages campaign budgets by pausing campaigns when the month-to-date (MTD) spend approaches or exceeds the monthly budget set in a strategy.

Script 1005: Intraday Budget Cap Strategy Level

Purpose Python script to pause and resume campaigns based on monthly budget spend.

Script 1003: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns F YY Brand

Purpose The script extracts and assigns a specific tag from campaign names to a designated column in a dataset.

Script 999: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose The Python script optimizes the allocation of campaign budgets to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 997: NonBrand Campaign Categories Auto Dim Tag

Purpose The Python script extracts and categorizes tags from non-brand campaign names based on a specified separator.

Script 995: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose The Python script calculates and adjusts daily budgets for marketing campaigns based on structured budget allocation and pacing compliance.

Script 993: SBA Campaign Pacing Meta

Purpose Python script that allocates budgets to campaigns based on various factors such as remaining budget, weekdays in the month, historical spend, and minimum daily budget.

Script 1001: Campaign Two Year Pub Cost Discrepancy Percentage

Purpose The script identifies campaigns with significant discrepancies between the reported two-year publisher cost and the actual publisher cost over the last two years.

Script 991: Percentage Difference Column Alert

Purpose The script alerts a Program Manager when the percentage difference in a dataset is 15% or more, either positively or negatively.

Script 989: Campaigns Anomaly

Purpose Campaigns Anomaly

Script 985: Percentage Budget Difference CC

Purpose This script calculates the percentage difference between the current daily budget and the SBA recommended daily budget for campaigns.

Script 983: New Vehicle Low Inventory Auto Pausing

Purpose Python script to pause ad groups in select model-based new vehicle campaigns if there are 3 or fewer vehicles in stock.

Script 979: Auto Campaigns tagging Brand vs NonBrand

Purpose The script automatically tags marketing campaigns as either “Brand” or “NonBrand” based on their names.

Script 977: Go Puff Script Keyword Landing Page & Keyword Match Type combination Tag

Purpose Automating Dimension Tagging with the landing page in the dimension “Landing Page Dim” and the keyword and match type combination in the dimension “Keyword MatchType Dim”.

Script 975: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags #2

Purpose Python script to pause and resume campaigns based on Dimension tags (SBA Strategy and SBA Monthly Budget) by monitoring bi-hourly intraday spend.

Script 973: Campaign Anomaly Detection Script for ROC Media #2

Purpose This Python script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 971: [Demo] Weekly Campaign Anomaly with Summary and Links Powpow Enterprise Retail

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in weekly campaign performance metrics using configurable thresholds and historical data analysis.

Script 969: Go Puff Script Campaign Category Dimension Tag

Purpose Python script to parse campaign names and add campaign-level Marin Dimensions Tag for Category.

Script 967: Go Puff Script Campaign Type Dimension Tag

Purpose Python script to parse campaign names and add campaign-level Marin Dimensions Tag for campaign type.

Script 965: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose Campaign Performance Anomaly Report with Summary

Script 961: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 959: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 957: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 955: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 953: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 951: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 949: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 947: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 945: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 943: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 941: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 939: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 937: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 935: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 933: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 931: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 929: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 927: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 925: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of bidding strategies to campaigns based on their creation date.

Script 923: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 921: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 919: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 917: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 915: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of a bidding strategy to campaigns based on their creation date, switching from a “Data Gathering” strategy to a “Performance Bidding” strategy after seven...

Script 913: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 911: Bidding Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script automates the assignment of advertising campaigns to different bidding strategies based on their creation date.

Script 909: SBA Campaign Pacing Search

Purpose Python script that allocates budgets to campaigns based on various factors such as remaining budget, weekdays in the month, historical spend, and minimum daily budget.

Script 907: Campaigns Anomaly Detection ATK

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 905: Campaign naming 1st separator tag example

Purpose Python script to add a tag to a campaign name based on a specified separator.

Script 903: Campaigns Anomaly Detection Ticketsmarter

Purpose This Python script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 901: update keywords cost conv dimension

Purpose The script updates the “Keyword Cost/Conv Performance” dimension for keywords whose cost per conversion is 30% greater than their campaign’s cost per conversion.

Script 899: CC SBA Budget Pacing

Purpose The Python script optimizes campaign budget allocation to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints by considering historical spend, remaining budget, and other factors.

Script 895: Campaigns Anomaly Detection BBTS

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 893: campaign 30 day cost conv assignment

Purpose The script updates the “Campaign 30 Day Cost per Conversion” dimension to support keyword-level anomaly detection for cost per conversion.

Script 891: Pause Poor performing Keywords with 0 Conv. and QS 5

Purpose Pause Poor performing Keywords with 0 Conv. and QS <5

Script 889: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending was at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met.

Script 887: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 885: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 883: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met.

Script 881: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 879: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 877: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 875: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags advertising campaigns that have nearly exhausted their daily budget based on specific criteria.

Script 873: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 871: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 869: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 867: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 865: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 863: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending was at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them as “Budget Capped” if certain conditions are met....

Script 859: Budget Capped Campaigns

Purpose The Python script identifies campaigns where the previous day’s spending is at least 90% of the daily budget and flags them for budget capping.

Script 857: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by comparing actual metrics against forecasted values using statistical methods.

Script 855: Go Puff Script Campaign Placement Dimension Tag

Purpose Parse Campaign Name and add Campaign-level Marin Dimensions Tag for Placement.

Script 851: Go Puff Script Campaign Anomaly Detection

Purpose Campaign Performance Anomaly Report with Summary

Script 849: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by comparing actual metrics against day-of-week forecasts using adjustable thresholds for interquartile range (IQR) and deviation.

Script 845: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose Python script to pause and resume campaigns based on Dimension tags (SBA Strategy and SBA Monthly Budget) by monitoring bi-hourly intraday spend.

Script 843: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 839: Duplicate MKWID replacement

Purpose The script identifies keywords with duplicate MKWID values and prepares them for re-upload with blank custom parameters.

Script 837: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose The Python script optimizes budget allocation for marketing campaigns to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 835: Auto Tag Campaign with Tipo de Campanha Dimension

Purpose Auto Tag Campaign with Tipo de Campanha Dimension

Script 833: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by analyzing day-of-week forecasts and calculating deviations using adjustable thresholds.

Script 831: Auto Tag Campaigns with Brand or NonBrand

Purpose Automatically tags campaigns with ‘Brand’ or ‘NonBrand’ based on specific keywords in the campaign name.

Script 829: Auto Tag Campaigns Funnel Stage

Purpose Auto Tag the funnel stage of campaigns based on the campaign name.

Script 827: Cross Negate Single Keyword Campaigns

Purpose The Python script generates negative keywords for each account in a dataset to optimize single keyword campaigns.

Script 825: Percentage Difference Column

Purpose Calculates the difference between SBA allocation and the percentage of total publication cost.

Script 823: Campaign Anomaly Detection with Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by comparing actual metrics against forecasted values using day-of-week forecasts and adjustable thresholds.

Script 821: Total Pub Cost & Pub Cost Percentage Column

Purpose The script calculates the total publication cost and its percentage for each ‘SBA Strategy’ and ‘Campaign’ group in a dataset.

Script 819: Campaign Anomalies Amazon Music Global AMU Signups

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports campaign-level outliers in key conversion metrics, such as Total AMU Sign-Ups, by calculating anomalies using adjustable thresholds.

Script 817: SBA Budget Staging via GSheets

Purpose The script automates the process of copying and updating monthly budget allocations from Google Sheets to a structured budget allocation system by matching campaign strategies.

Script 813: SBA Campaign Pacing with Rec. Budget and Current Budget

Purpose The Python script optimizes budget allocation for marketing campaigns to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 811: Campaigns Anomaly Detection 4 All Promos

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 809: SBA Auto Pause & Re enable Budget via Dim Tag

Purpose Python script that pauses and re-enables campaigns based on their monthly spend and budget.

Script 807: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose SBA Campaign Budget Pacing - Minimize Lost IS (Budget)

Script 805: Pacing Dimension Value from Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts and organizes specific information from campaign names into a structured format for further analysis.

Script 803: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 801: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics for digital advertising campaigns to ensure they meet their budget and performance goals.

Script 799: Pacing Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts start and end dates from campaign names and updates them in a structured format for further analysis.

Script 797: Script Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 795: Campaign Anomaly Detection + Summary

Purpose The Python script identifies and reports anomalies in campaign performance metrics by comparing actual data against forecasted values using statistical methods.

Script 793: Campaigns Anomaly Detection YDUQS

Purpose This Python script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 789: Remove $ from SBA Campaign Budget

Purpose Remove the dollar sign ($) from the SBA Campaign Budget column in a given input dataframe.

Script 787: Set Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 785: Set Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 783: Pacing Start & End Date

Purpose The script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 781: Set Pacing Start Date & Pacing End Date

Purpose The Python script extracts and updates pacing start and end dates from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 779: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and process campaign data based on specific criteria.

Script 779: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 777: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script calculates various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start and end dates, daily targets, expected spend...

Script 777: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 775: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and process campaign data based on specific criteria.

Script 775: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 773: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script calculates various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start and end dates, daily targets, expected spend...

Script 773: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 771: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and manipulate data from a primary data source based on specific criteria.

Script 771: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing and traffic conditions.

Script 769: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script calculates various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start and end dates, daily targets, expected spend...

Script 769: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics for digital advertising campaigns to ensure they meet their budget and performance goals.

Script 767: Scripts Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and manipulate data from a primary data source based on specific criteria.

Script 767: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 765: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script calculates various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start and end dates, daily targets, expected spend...

Script 765: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 763: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and process campaign data based on specific criteria.

Script 763: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 761: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script calculates various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start and end dates, daily targets, expected spend...

Script 761: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 759: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific criteria.

Script 757: Script New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The script calculates and manages pacing metrics for digital advertising campaigns to ensure they meet their budget and performance goals.

Script 755: Script Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose Python script to filter and process campaign data based on specific criteria.

Script 755: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 753: Scripts New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script solves the problem of calculating various metrics and values for a campaign, such as total pub cost, total impressions, total clicks, total views, pacing cycle start...

Script 753: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 751: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing and traffic conditions.

Script 749: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates pacing metrics and recommended daily budgets for digital advertising campaigns based on various campaign parameters and goals.

Script 747: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing cycles and specific conditions.

Script 745: Golden Hippo Pause Ads Conversions

Purpose The script pauses advertisements if they have zero conversions after spending $100.

Script 743: Golden Hippo Pause Ads CPA

Purpose Pauses ads that have a CPA of $150+ over the previous 7 days

Script 741: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose The Python script calculates and manages pacing metrics for digital advertising campaigns to ensure they meet their budget and performance goals.

Script 739: Automate Campaigns DimensionTag Tactic

Purpose The script automates the assignment of dimension tags to campaigns based on their names.

Script 735: Pacing Campaign Bulk Sheet

Purpose The Python script processes campaign data to adjust daily budgets based on pacing and traffic conditions.

Script 733: Avg CPC Benchmark

Purpose The Python script calculates and stores the average cost-per-click (CPC) for the last 28 days in a dimension called “Test.”

Script 731: Campaigns Anomaly Detection HqO

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 731: Campaigns Anomaly Detection

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 729: Campaigns Anomaly Detection MEFA

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 729: Campaigns Anomaly Detection

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 727: Campaigns Anomaly Detection Eversource

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 727: Campaigns Anomaly Detection

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 725: Daily Campaign Performance Anomaly

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 725: Campaigns Anomaly Detection All Campus

Purpose This Python script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 725: Campaigns Anomaly Detection

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 723: Campaigns Anomaly Detection Ritchie Bros

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 723: Campaigns Anomaly Detection

Purpose Python script that identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 719: SBA Intraday Budget Cap Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing and resuming advertising campaigns based on their monthly budget and current spending, using dimension tags for monitoring.

Script 715: SBA Campaign Pacing Backup

Purpose The Python script optimizes the allocation of campaign budgets to minimize lost impression share due to budget constraints.

Script 715: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose Python script that solves the problem of allocating budgets to campaigns based on various factors such as remaining budget, weekdays in the month, historical spend, and minimum daily budget....

Script 713: Scripts Movo Anomaly Detection V2024 01

Purpose The Python script identifies anomalies in campaign performance by analyzing day-of-week forecasts and rolling up performance metrics to dimensions such as Product Category and Brand/Generic, using adjustable IQR and...

Script 711: Ad Group CPA Performance Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies ad groups within a campaign that have abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) performance, tagging them as outliers.

Script 709: SBA Auto Pause & Re enable Budget via Dimension Tags

Purpose The Python script automates the pausing and resuming of advertising campaigns based on monthly budget constraints and dimension tags, monitoring spending bi-hourly.

Script 707: Campaign Anomaly Detection USIM University of the Southwest

Purpose The script identifies performance anomalies in PPC campaigns by comparing actual data against forecasts based on historical trends.

Script 707: Campaign Anomaly Detection

Purpose Campaign Anomaly Detection

Script 703: Scripts Campaign Anomaly Detection by Reporting Category V5

Purpose Python script solves the problem of generating a performance anomaly report for pay-per-click marketing data.

Script 701: SBA Auto Pause

Purpose The Python script automatically pauses or resumes marketing campaigns based on their month-to-date (MTD) spending relative to a predefined budget cap.

Script 699: Dimension from Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset to enhance data analysis.

Script 697: Dimensions from Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 695: Script Auto Tag Campaigns with Brand Non Brand Dimension

Purpose The script automatically tags marketing campaigns as “Brand” or “Non-Brand” based on the campaign name, specifically tagging as “Non-Brand” if the name starts with ‘EEE’.

Script 693: Dimension Value From Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 691: NOTICE Campaign Strategy Associations Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging School Program

Purpose The Python script automates the tagging of campaign data by combining ‘School’ and ‘Program’ dimensions into a ‘School_Program’ tag and assigns it to the SBA Strategy.

Script 691: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging School Program

Purpose Python script that combines the ‘School’ and ‘Program’ columns into a new column called ‘School_Program’ and assigns the created tag to the ‘School_Program’ column.

Script 689: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging Program

Purpose The script parses campaign names to automatically tag them with a program identifier based on a specific naming convention.

Script 687: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging School

Purpose The script parses campaign names to automatically tag them with a school identifier based on a specific naming convention.

Script 685: Dimensions from Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 683: Dimension Value From Campaign Name

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 681: Dimension Value From Campaign Names

Purpose The Python script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset.

Script 677: Budget Pacing Example

Purpose Example of what Budget Pacing through script could look like

Script 675: Campaign Name Dimension Auto Tagging Region

Purpose The script parses campaign names to automatically tag them with a region dimension based on specific patterns.

Script 673: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose The script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset to populate missing information.

Script 671: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose The script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset to populate missing information.

Script 669: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose The script extracts pacing dates and goals from campaign names in a dataset to populate missing information.

Script 661: Pacing New Campaign Calculations

Purpose This Python script solves the problem of calculating various metrics and values for pacing and budget allocation in a digital advertising campaign.

Script 653: Search SBA Budget Pacing

Purpose The Python script optimizes daily budget allocation for Search SBA strategies by considering factors like remaining budget, weekdays, historical spend, and campaign activity.

Script 633: ABO Budget Assignment Groups

Purpose The script assigns Meta ABO Budget values at the group level for active Meta Ad sets, removing any previously assigned values at the campaign level.

Script 631: Alert CCT Groups paused (Single word keywords)

Purpose The Python script identifies paused CCT groups with single-word keywords that have been paused within the last five days.

Script 629: Alert CCT Groups paused (Single word keywords)

Purpose The Python script identifies paused CCT groups with single-word keywords that have been paused within the last five days.

Script 627: Alert CCT groups paused (Anime)

Purpose The Python script identifies and filters paused CCT groups based on a specific date range.

Script 625: Alert CCT groups paused (Anime)

Purpose The Python script identifies and filters paused CCT groups based on a specific date range.

Script 623: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 621: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 619: Pause CCT Groups

Purpose The Python script automates the process of pausing specific groups in a campaign based on keyword and studio conditions.

Script 615: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose SBA Campaign Budget Pacing - Minimize Lost IS (Budget)

Script 613: AdGroup CPA Outlier

Purpose The Python script identifies and tags AdGroups with abnormally high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) perfo