All Scripts

Script 1037: SBA Campaign Pacing

Purpose Python script that allocates budgets to campaigns based on various factors to minimize lost impression share due to budget.

Script 1031: Tagging social dimension Audience and Segment

Purpose Tagging social dimension Audience and Segment

Script 1029: Tagging social dimension Geo

Purpose Tagging social dimension Geo

Script 1027: Tagging Social dimensions targeting and platform

Purpose Tagging Social dimensions targeting and platform

Script 1025: Tagging dimensions geo segment targeting and platform

Purpose Tagging dimensions geo, segment, targeting, and platform.

Script 1023: Total Pub Cost & Pub Cost Percentage Column

Purpose Python script to calculate the total pub cost for each ‘SBA Strategy’ and ‘Campaign’ group, and compute the percentage of ‘Pub. Cost $’ for each row relative to the...

Script 1021: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Keyword Match Type

Purpose Python script to extract keyword match type from campaign names and update the keyword match type column in the output dataframe.

Script 1019: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Intent

Purpose Python script to extract intent from campaign names and update the intent column in the output dataframe.

Script 1017: Tagging dimension Script Campaigns Topic

Purpose Tagging dimension Script - Campaigns - Topic