All Scripts

Script 147: Dimension AutoApply Brand NonBrand

Purpose Assign the “Brand vs NonBrand” dimension tag to campaigns in a DataFrame.

Script 143: New Campaigns Switch to tCPA

Purpose Switch campaign publisher bidding strategy to tCPA based on spend and ROAS.

Script 141: New Campaigns Pause Low ROAS

Purpose Pause new campaigns with low ROAS based on specific criteria.

Script 139: Increase Campaign Daily Budget

Purpose Increase daily budget by a certain percentage for campaigns that have an impression share greater than a certain percentage over the last few days.

Script 137: New Campaigns Adj Google tCPA and Budget

Purpose Python script to adjust the tCPA and daily budget of Google campaigns labeled as ‘New Launch’ through ‘New - Round 5’ based on ROAS over the previous 30 days...

Script 135: Brand Non Brand Dimension Tagging

Purpose Tags the Brand/Non-Brand dimensions for campaigns that have no label.

Script 133: Dimension Update

Purpose Tags dimension as brand or non-brand.

Script 131: Assign Brand or Non Brand

Purpose Assign ‘YahooDSP’ to the ‘Campaign Maturity’ column in the output DataFrame where the conditions are true.

Script 127: Auto Pause After Event Date

Purpose Auto Pause After Event Date