All Scripts

Script 607: Alert CCT Groups paused (Single word keywords)

Purpose Python script to filter and extract data from a primary data source based on a specific condition.

Script 605: Campaign Geo Assignment

Purpose Assign values to the Geo dimension at the campaign level when appropriate.

Script 597: Dimension Tags from Campaign Name

Purpose Extract information from campaign names and add it to the input DataFrame.

Script 595: SBA Budget Pacing 2

Purpose Pace Daily Budget for each Strategy

Script 593: Scripts Brand vs Generic Dimension Autotag

Purpose Automating the tagging of “Brand vs Generic” dimensions in a report.

Script 589: Delete Duplicate Campaigns

Purpose Python script that looks for duplicate campaigns created by Dynamic Campaigns and sets the status to “Deleted” for any older campaigns.

Script 587: ABO Budget Assignment

Purpose Python script that assigns values to the “Meta ABO Budget” and “Budget Level” dimensions based on input data.

Script 583: Scripts Campaign Dims v2

Purpose Python script to summarize and deduplicate campaign data.

Script 579: Salesforce Item ID SBA Pacing

Purpose Python script that allocates budget based on specific criteria for campaigns within a budget period.