All Scripts

Script 209: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Biotrue

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input dataframe to a new column called “Yesterdays Cost” in the output dataframe.

Script 207: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Ocuvite

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input DataFrame to a new column named “Yesterdays Cost” in the output DataFrame.

Script 205: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging LEI

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input DataFrame to a new column named “Yesterdays Cost” in the output DataFrame.

Script 203: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging SightMatters

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input DataFrame to a new column called “Yesterdays Cost” in the output DataFrame.

Script 201: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging PreserVision

Purpose Summarize and explain the Python script ‘Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging PreserVision’.

Script 199: populate campaign category

Purpose Python script to populate the “Campaign Category” column in a DataFrame based on specific rules.

Script 197: Yesterday Cost Dimension Tagging Lumify

Purpose Python script to copy the “Pub. Cost $” column from the input DataFrame to a new column called “Yesterdays Cost” in the output DataFrame.

Script 195: Kwds Pause

Purpose Python script to summarize and explain the code for the SBA problem.

Script 189: Populate region

In a Nutshell The script updates the region information for PPC campaigns based on campaign naming conventions.