All Scripts

Script 137: New Campaigns Adj Google tCPA and Budget

Purpose The Python script adjusts the target CPA and daily budget of Google campaigns labeled as ‘New Launch’ through ‘New - Round 5’ based on their ROAS over the past...

Script 135: Brand Non Brand Dimension Tagging

Purpose The script tags campaigns as ‘Brand’ or ‘Non-Brand’ based on the presence of the word ‘Brand’ in the campaign name.

Script 133: Dimension Update

Purpose The Python script categorizes campaigns into “Brand” or “Non-Brand” based on the presence of the word “Brand” in their names.

Script 131: Assign Brand or Non Brand

Purpose The script identifies campaigns containing ‘FR’ with a blank maturity status and assigns them a ‘France’ maturity label.

Script 127: Auto Pause After Event Date

Purpose Auto Pause After Event Date

Script 121: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns marketing campaigns to specific strategies based on campaign name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.

Script 119: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns marketing campaigns to specific strategies based on campaign name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.

Script 117: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns a marketing strategy to campaigns based on their name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.

Script 115: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns marketing campaigns to specific strategies based on campaign name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.