All Scripts

Script 223: Strategy assignment 3

Purpose The Python script analyzes campaign data to assign marketing strategies based on performance metrics over specific time periods.

Script 219: SBA pacing check

Purpose The Python script evaluates the pacing of campaigns against their structured budget allocation targets to identify underperformance or satisfactory pacing.

Script 217: Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Purpose Tag AdGroup if CPA performance is abnormally high within Campaign

Script 213: Brand vs Non Brand Dimension

Purpose Python script for tagging campaigns as “Brand” or “Non Brand” based on the campaign name.

Script 211: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Shop Preservision

Purpose The script transfers yesterday’s cost data from a report to a bulk data format for further processing.

Script 209: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Biotrue

Purpose The script transfers yesterday’s cost data from a report to a bulk data format for further processing.

Script 207: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging Ocuvite

Purpose The script transfers yesterday’s cost data from a report column to a bulk column for further processing.

Script 205: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging LEI

Purpose The Python script transfers yesterday’s publication cost data to a new column for further processing or analysis.

Script 203: Yesterdays Cost Dimension Tagging SightMatters

Purpose The script updates a DataFrame by copying the ‘Pub. Cost $’ column to a new ‘Yesterdays Cost’ column.