All Scripts

Script 255: GAAP Profit 0 Reduce Budget 20%

Purpose Reduce the daily budget of campaigns by 20% if the GAAP profit from the previous day is less than 0.

Script 249: Title Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns a specific campaign strategy and updates related fields when the “CPA Date” matches the current date.

Script 239: bid boost

Purpose The Python script adjusts search bids for advertising campaigns based on specific criteria and conditions.

Script 237: switch strategies

Purpose The Python script evaluates advertising campaigns and promotes them to a new publisher bidding strategy if they meet specified minimum thresholds for spend and Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)....

Script 235: Group Maturity

Purpose The script categorizes Yahoo DSP ad groups into ‘New’, ‘Mature I’, and ‘Mature II’ based on their spending over the previous 7 days.

Script 231: increase daily budget

Purpose The script adjusts the daily budget of campaigns by increasing it by 20% if the daily spend exceeds 60% of the current daily budget.

Script 229: populate fullfunnel

Purpose The script adjusts the “FullFunnel” strategy for marketing campaigns based on specific ratio criteria.

Script 227: sba pasue Date maintenance

Purpose The script ensures that the SBA Pause Date remains within one month of the current date to allow the tool to unpause it.

Script 225: Set New Budget Strategy Targets at Month Start

Purpose Pushes new Strategy Targets at start of month