All Scripts

Script 301: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for structured budget allocation (SBA) purposes.

Script 299: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The Python script processes input data to update specific columns with predefined values for structured budget allocation (SBA) purposes.

Script 297: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The script updates custom parameters for keywords containing “NOLS,” “NOLM,” or “Backorder” in a specific column of a landing page result.

Script 293: Negative Keyword Expansion

Purpose Python script for negative keyword expansion.

Script 289: Google Campaign tROAS Adjustment

Purpose Python script solves the problem of adjusting the Publisher Target ROAS for Google campaigns based on the daily spend goal and publisher cost.

Script 271: NOLS NOLM & Backorder

Purpose The script updates custom parameters for keywords containing “NOLS,” “NOLM,” or “Backorder” in a specific column of a landing page result.

Script 269: script good performing keyword 2

Purpose The Python script adjusts search bids and bid overrides for keywords in advertising campaigns based on specific performance criteria.

Script 265: Dimension Labelling Strategy Targeting Type AND Campaign Tactic v2

Purpose Python script to assign campaign dimension values based on strategy/targeting type and campaign tactic.

Script 259: Dimension Update

Purpose The Python script updates campaign dimension values based on specific patterns found in campaign names.