All Scripts

Script 113: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The Python script assigns marketing campaigns to specific strategies based on campaign name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.

Script 109: Strategy Assignment

Purpose The script assigns marketing campaigns to specific strategies based on campaign name, creation date, and accumulated clicks.

Script 107: Inventory Bidding 2.0

Purpose The script calculates and applies auction bid boosts for specific groups in marketing campaigns based on various conditions and metrics.

Script 103: Tag Campaigns based on Name

Purpose The script parses campaign names to extract and assign a tag to each campaign based on a specific naming convention.

Script 95: SBA cushion

Purpose The script adjusts SBA targets by applying a target factor to the raw target values.

Script 91: Month Start Campaign Budget Reset

Purpose Reset Campaign Daily Budget by either 50% or pre-defined amount at start of each month.

Script 89: Tag AdGroups with Dynamic Action Value (Cross Client; DC Market=NL)

Purpose The Python script tags AdGroups with a dynamic action value based on historical and target ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) to optimize bid adjustments.

Script 45: Daily Clear Labels

Purpose Clear Daily Winner and Overspend labels daily

Script 43: Tag AdGroup Dimensions per ROAS CPA Performance

Purpose Tag AdGroup Dimensions per ROAS/CPA Performance